Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Battle of Badar-The Most Decisive Battle between Truth & Falsehood

Battle of Badar-The Most Decisive Battle between Truth & Falsehood
By Dr.Faizan Ahmed Azizi
Published in Divine Vision Magazine Second Edition

Relations between Muhammad (Peace be upon him) and the Makkan establishment went from bad to worse. Life in Makkah was becoming difficult for the Muslims. The growing oppression and tortures of the Kuffar became unbearable. The Muslims were prevented from worshiping Allah. Consequently, Allah, the Exalted, revealed orders to migrate. The Prophet (Peace be upon him) and his companions secretly planned to escape the watchful disbelievers, who intended to kill the Prophet and his companions in their own homeland and thus bring an end to the religion of Islam. But Allah, the Exalted, aided His Messenger (Peace be upon him) to immigrate to al-Medina. This carefully planned and prudent escape of Allah's Messenger (Peace be upon him) and the Sahabah created great anxiety and rancor in the hearts of the disbelievers. The Makkans seized all the property left behind by the Muslims when they had migrated to Madinah.

Reasons for battle

In Ramadaan 2 A.H., the Prophet (Peace be upon him) was informed that Abu Sufyan (who was still a disbeliever and later accepted Islam), was traveling for trade from Syria. He was approaching Makkah with 50 thousand gold Deenaar guarded by 40 men.

While escaping from Makkah, the Muslims were forced to leave behind all their wealth and possession. The Prophet (Peace be upon him) saw this caravan as an opportunity to get back some of their wealth. He (Peace be upon him) called for his companions and marched towards the main road leading to Makkah and turned towards Badr. His (Peace be upon him) intent was only to capture the wealth and not war. But Allah, the Exalted, in His Great Wisdom, willed for them to fight. The leader of the caravan, Abu Sufyan bin Harb, heard that a large band of Muslims had left Medina. He prudently turned the caravan west to the coast, avoiding the most likely ambush point at Badr entirely. Abu Sufyan also sent a message to Mecca to ask for reinforcements.

Assurance from the Ansar:

When the Messenger of Allah heard that the Quraysh had set out from Makkah to stop the Muslims, he consulted his Companions. He was concerned about the Ansar because their original homage included the condition that they only defend him in their home territory. Since he resolved to leave Madinah, he wanted to know where they stood The Muhajirun assured him of their support, but he consulted them a second time, and then a third time. The Ansar fully understood the reason why he was concerned about them. Sa’d ibn Mu’adh replied,

‘It seems that you are alluding to us. Perhaps you fear that the Ansar do not think that they have to help you outside their own territory. I speak for the Ansar and answer for them. Go where you wish, join whom you wish and cut off whom you wish. Take what you wish from our property and give us what you wish. What you take from us is dearer than what you leave. Whatever you command, we will follow it. By Allah, if you were to travel until you reached Bark Ghamdan, we would go with you. By Allah, if you were to cross this sea, we would plunge into it with you.’ Al-Miqdad said, ‘We do not say to you what the people of Musa said to Musa: “Go forth you and your Lord and do battle. We will be waiting here. “(5: 24) we will do battle on your right and on your left and in front of you and behind you.’

When the Messenger of Allah heard this, his face shone with happiness ‘Be Steadiest!’ he said to his Companions.

The Battle of Badr
When the Meccans heard about Prophet Muhammad's (peace be upon him) army, they sent out their own army of 900-1000 men to guard the precious camel train. Many of the city's rich merchants, those with something to lose if Prophet Muhammad's (peace be upon him) made off with the caravan, joined the army themselves. They reasoned that such a huge force might scare the Muslims off, and dissuade them from future attacks.
While the two armies were each a day's march away from the wells at Badr, some of Muhammad's advance scouts captured two Meccan scouts, who revealed how close the city's army had come. The Meccans also told Prophet Muhammad's (peace be upon him) of the wealthy notables among the approaching force. Shocked at how quickly the Meccans had come, and eager for a chance to humble some of his most vociferous critics in person, Prophet Muhammad's (peace be upon him) marched his small army double-fast to the oasis. They camped there in the Badr valley the night of March 14, 624.
At the same time that the Muslims were preparing for a show-down, the Meccan army got word that the caravan was safely beyond Muhammad's reach. Two of the Meccan clans decided that they had achieved their objective, and turned back toward their homes. The greater mass of the Meccan army decided to press on to Badr, however. In their minds, the two armies were now too close to retire honorably without a fight.
Muhammad, who got to the oasis first, ordered his men to fill in all of the wells except for that closest to Mecca. If the Meccan army wanted water, they would have to fight him for it. On the morning of March 15, the Meccan army advanced to the oasis of Badr. They were shocked to find the Muslims arrayed and waiting for them.

Preparation for Battle:
A shelter was built for the Messenger of Allah on a small hill overlooking the battlefield. He went down to the battlefield and began to point with his hand, saying, ‘So-and-so will die here. So-and-so will die here. So-and-so will die here if Allah wills.’ None of those people went any further than where he had pointed.
When the idol-worshippers appeared and the two groups confronted one another, the Messenger of Allah said, ‘O Allah, this is the Quraysh who have come with their vanity and their pride. They have come to fight You and deny Your Messenger.’
It was the night of Friday, 17 Ramadan. In the morning, the Quraysh advanced in their squadrons and the two groups took up positions ready for battle.

Supplication and Entreaty:
The Messenger of Allah organised the ranks and returned to his shelter. He and Abu Bakr went inside. The Messenger of Allah prayed. He asked for the help of Allah Whose judgement cannot be turned aside and Whose decree cannot be averted. There is no help but from Allah. He said, ‘O Allah, if You let this group of men die, no one after them will worship You on the earth.’
He called out to his Lord, ‘O Allah, give me the help which You promised me.’
He raised his hands to the sky until the cloak fell from his shoulders. Abu Bakr consoled and comforted him.

Before the battle began, three noble men of Quraish, namely: Otbah bin Rabi'a, and his brother Sheibah, and his son Waleed ask the Muslims to fight a duel with them. Three of the Ansar but they said, saying: "O Muhammad, bring forward our equivalent counterparts our cousins", so the Prophet "peace be upon him" called on Ubaidah ibn al-Harith and Hamza Bin Abdul Muttalib, and Ali bin Abi Talib Hamza encountered Sheibah in the combat and killed him, and Ali encountered Al-Walid and killed him, then Obaidah combated with Utbah, and they wounded each other, so both Hamzah and Ali attacked Otbah and killed him, and the war became intense and raging. God supplied the Muslims with angels to fight with them, and the Qur'an said:
Yes, if you remain steadfast and persist in Godwariness, and these (unbelievers) suddenly attack you with (full) force, then your Lord will come to your aid with five thousand angels distinctly marked. (Sureh Al-i-Imran 3: 125)

When the victory of the Muslims and the defeat of the idol-worshippers became clear, the Messenger of Allah said, ‘Allah is greater! Praise belongs to Allah Who was true to His promise, helped His slave and defeated the parties alone.’
Allah certainly spoke the truth when He said: ‘Allah surely helped you at Badr when you were utterly abject. So fear Allah and perhaps you will be thankful.’ (3: 123)
The Messenger of Allah ordered the Quraysh dead to be thrown into a well. Then he stood over it and said, ‘O people of the well! Have you found what Allah promised you to be true? I have certainly found that what my Lord promised me is true.’

Thus, the battle ended in victory for Muslims and they defeat of the infidels, and seventy of the infidels were killed while seventy others were taken as prisoners. . The Martyrs among the Muslims were fourteen, and Muslims have thrown the dead bodies of the infields into one big hole. As for the prisoners, the Messenger took 4000 Dirham for each prisoner of war in compliance with the advice of Abu Bakr. However, the prisoner who did not have the redemption was given ten of the Muslim boys to teach them reading and writing.

The Return to Medina
 And then the prophet left victoriously and triumphantly, along with the prisoners and loots. When he arrived at Al-Safra'a, he divided the loots and beheaded Al-Nadar ibn Al-Harith bin Caldah, and when he arrived at Irq-Dbayeh, he beheaded Oqbah ibn Abi Meit. The Prophet then entered Madinah successful and victorious, causing fear to every enemy in Madinah and its surroundings, and many people embraced Islam, and it was then that Abdullah bin Ubai Al-Munafiq and his companions have entered in Islam with pretense.

Redemption of Prisoners:
The Prophet gave freedom to the prisoners and released them on condition that anyone who knows writing, reading would teach 10 of the illiterate Muslims.

Martyrs of Battle of Badr
 •        A Amir Ibn Abi Waqas
 •        Zul Shamalein bin Abd Amr
 •        Safwan bin Wahab
•        Mahja'a Bin Saleh.
 •        Aqil bin Al-Bakeer
 •        Ubaidah ibn Al-Harith
 •        S.a'ad bin Kaithamah
 •        Mubashir   bin Abdul Monzir
 •        Haritha bin Suraqa
•        R.afie ben A-Muallae
 •        Umair bin Al-Hamam
 •        Yazid ibn Al-Harith
 •        Mu'awwaz ibn Al-Harith
 •          Auf bin Al-Harith

The results of battle
The battle of Badr left very important results to Muslims. Here are some of them:
1. The prevalence of Islam
After the battle of Badr, Islam prevailed and Muslims became so powerful morally and materially. This battle was the mother of victories that encouraged Muslims to face courageously the severest wars that their enemies waged against them. It is worth mentioning that when the battle of Badr came to an end, Imam Ali (a.s.) was the real hero that by his sword he harvested the heads of evil and polytheism.
2. The fear of Quraysh
The victory of Muslims in the battle of Badr caused a wave of fear and terror in the hearts of the people of Quraysh and the polytheists of the Arabs. Since the tribe of Quraysh was the strongest of the Arabs in power and all other abilities and it was defeated by Muslims, so the other Arab tribes became certain that they would not be able to stand against the Muslims.
3. The sorrow of Quraysh
Quraysh felt great sorrow for the great loss in men and in properties. They concealed their sorrows for fear that the Muslims might rejoice at that. Hind, the wife of Abu Sufyan and mother of Mo’awiya, said addressing her sons, brothers, and other relatives who were killed in this battle, “How can I weep for you that it may reach Muhammad and his companions and so they will rejoice at our loss? No by Allah, until I revenge on Muhammad and his companions. Make-up is impermissible to me until we shall attack Muhammad.” Abu Sufyan also swore that he would never sleep with his wife (until they would avenge).[8] Their poets composed many poems full of deep sorrow and sadness elegizing in them their killed men.
4. The delight of Muslims
On the other hand, the Muslims were joyful and delighted by this great victory in this battle where Allah affirmed their religion and disgraced their enemies. Many of their poets composed famous poems on this occasion.  
Lessons from the Battle of Badr
The Battle of Badr is a great example from our history that teaches; 'victory does not depend on numbers or collecting weapons and shields - Victory is from Allah.'
"How often has a small group overcome a might host by Allah's leave. And Allah is with the patient." [Soorah al-Baqarah (2): 249]
But when the Muslims abandoned the life of righteousness and adopted sins, Allah, the Exalted, snatched away His Blessings from them and they were left to their state of misery. However, even today, if we Muslims were to believe in Allah and put complete trust in Him Alone, then Allah will help the Muslims over the Kuffar. It is the result of our sins that in many parts of the world Muslims are being oppressed by the Kuffar and subjugated to hardships.
Today, if we show willingness to sacrifice our wealth and lives for the sake of Allah, and purely follow the teachings of Allah's Messenger (sallallahu alaihe wa-sallam), Allah will remove our hardships and grant us victory and supremacy over the Kuffar.

Allah says: "Allah has promised those among you who believe and do righteous good deeds, that He will certainly grant them succession to(the present rulers) in the earth, as He granted it to those who before them, and He will grant them the authority to practice their religion that which He has chosen for them (i.e. Islam). And He will surely give them in exchange security after their fear (provided) they (believers) worship Me and do not associate anything (in worship) with Me. But whosoever disbelieves after this, they are the Fasiqun (rebellious, disobedient to Allah)." [Soorah an-Nur (24): 55]

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